Friday 2 May 2008

Using the daemon process with Microsoft Exchange

VQSM supports three basic protocols for connecting to a companies existing email environment to send confirmation or escalation emails or to query a shared email account into which support calls are sent.

These are POP3/SMTP, IMAP, Lotus Notes and MAPI. For the first three of these it is immaterial what account the daemon process runs under as you specify the login details for the email system directly. Because of this I often find that clients have the daemon process running under the local system account.

When using Microsoft Exchange via MAPI however the daemon is tied to the user account and will by default use the MS Exchange Settings for that user. What I find frequently is that the individual setting up the connection will logon using an administration account they have been given, go to control panels and configure the MS Exchange Settings profile to access the correct mail box on the server. They run the daemon process manually from the QSM server and hey presto it works ! They then go and enable the daemon service and find that they get an error in the log saying that the daemon can't access the mailbox.

More often than not the issue is that they are running the daemon service using a different account than they used to set it up and frequently the local system account. This occurred a few weeks ago when I was called into an account where Datawatch had been in a couple of days before to upgrade to 7.4. As the client had recently moved to Exchange they also took the opportunity to ask the Datawatch consultant to switch them from POP3 to MAPI which he did. Unfortunately he left the daemon process running under the local system account as it had been previously so when he left no emails out and no processing of inbound emails either.

My suggestion when running with Exchange is always to run the daemon under the domain account associated with the shared main box that the daemon processes is accessing. That way you can be pretty sure it will work without issue.

Posted by: David Bland (Transforme Associates Limited)
Software: VQSM (Datawatch)
Version: 7.x
Database: Microsoft SQL, Oracle

1 comment:

Mags said...

did you ever see errors in VqsmDeamon like this:
Unit Name :QSMMail
Function/Procedure Name :Connect
Error Message :Connecting to mail server failed.Check inbox/outbox location.Login failed
[Error Date & Time :29-Jan-2009 ,11:37 AM]
Unit Name :QSMMail
Function/Procedure Name :SendMail
Error Message :Error in SMTP server.Unable to send mail.Undetermined
[Error Date & Time :29-Jan-2009 ,11:38 AM]
Our VQsm deamon is set as per your MS Exchange post, but we are consistently having these errors. It is so bad, in last 24 hours we had less then 3 hours up time in production.We run Vqsm portal 7.40.02 with MS Outlook 2000.